
J-CO2 Offset by J-Credit

As an endeavor of decarbonization, CO2 emitted during the GGX×TCFD Summit on October 2nd was offset by J-credit.
The GGX×TCFD Summit was held as a carbon-free event.
- Date: October 2nd, 2023
- Offset: 11t-CO2

For further details please refer to the website below.

METI will be holding a seminar at the COP28 Japan Pavilion

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will be holding a seminar at the COP28 Japan Pavilion.
This seminar will be streamed on-line.
COP28 Japan Pavilion Website

Please refer to the following for on-line streaming links of each seminar.

1. Appropriate evaluation of avoided emissions towards net zero society

Date December 3, 2023, 18:00-19:15 (JST) / 13:00-14:15 (GST)
Organizer Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Co-organizer World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Abstract In the G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers Communique and the conclusions of G7 Industrial Decarbonisation Agenda (IDA), a common understanding was reached on the value of recognising 'Avoided Emissions' and the recommendation for an international standard for measuring avoided emissions.
At COP 28, it aims (i) to demonstrate that concrete design is progressing based on the G7 agreement, and (ii) to obtain further commitment from world-leading companies including WBCSD members and GFANZ and other financial institutions. This session will introduce WBCSD’s actions and the effort of the GX league in Japan to make a trusted mechanism that may mobilise financial resources to accelerate the deployment of solutions. It will also showcase the examples of the use of avoided emissions by finance institutions as well as current discussions towards its international standardization.
on-line streaming links
(no need for additional registration)
Webinar ID: 858 7576 4625
Pass code: 222234

2. The Role of Sovereign Bonds in Expanding GX Finance

Date December 4, 2023, 19:45-21:00 (JST) / 14:45-16:00 (GST)
Organizer Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of the Environment
  • YOSHIDA Nobuhiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
  • KIHARA Shinichi, Director General for International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, METI ARASE Rui, Director for Debt Management and JGB Investor Relations
  • INOUE Mineto, Director for GX Finance Policy, METI
  • Isabelle Laurent, Deputy Treasurer and Head of Funding, EBRD
  • AIHARA Kazuyuki, Head of Sustainability Finance Section, Nomura Securities
  • Theo Kotula, ESG Analyst, AXA IM
on-line streaming links
(no need for additional registration)
Webinar ID: 832 8230 2482
Pass code: 930439

3. Tech for Transition

Date December 5, 2023, 15:30-16:45 (JST) / 10:30-11:45 (GST)
Organizer Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Co-organizer Government of UAE (COP28 Presidency)
Abstract The aim is to reach a common understanding among major countries, especially with the G7 and COP Presidency, on the idea that (i) not only stronger regulations and more ambition, but also (ii) "practical technologies and innovations" are important in order to fill the gaps would be identified in the GST. In addition to introducing start-up technologies and holding an MOU signing ceremony, the session will discuss Japanese technologies that contribute to mitigation and adaptation in the world as a whole, including the Global South, and how rules should be formed for their development and diffusion.
on-line streaming links
(no need for additional registration)
Webinar ID: 854 5223 8121
Pass code: 160338

There is no need for additional registration. We look forward to your attendance.

Tokyo GX Week to Be Held

In the fall of 2023, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will integrally host the following nine conferences, which are collectively called Tokyo GX Week.

  1. Tokyo GX Week Plenary Session: September 25
  2. Third Asia Green Growth Partnership Ministerial Meeting: September 25
  3. Sixth Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting: September 25
  4. Third Asia CCUS Network Forum: September 27
  5. Fifth International Conference on Carbon Recycling: September 27
  6. Third International Conference on Fuel Ammonia: September 29
  7. Global Green Transformation Conference (GGX) x Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Summit: October 2
  8. Tenth Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF): October 4 and 5
  9. Fifth Research and Development 20 for Clean Energy Technologies (RD20) (Leaders Session): October 5

The current unprecedented energy crisis requires global society to achieve three goals at the same time, namely energy security and measures against climate change, both of which need to be finely balanced, and advancement of economic growth. To achieve these goals, it is important for each country to conduct efforts to promote GX (Green Transformation), including innovation, policies, and framework building, and to work toward a common goal, i.e., net zero emissions, in accordance with a variety of approaches that meet their respective energy situations and other circumstances.

In light of this, METI decided to hold Tokyo GX Week, following on from 2022, with the aim of realizing GX for a shift to economies, societies, and industrial structures centered on clean energy, and connecting the results to decarbonization and the growth and development of the economy.

For further details please refer to the website below.

J-CO2 Offset by J-Credit

As an endeavor of decarbonization, CO2 emitted during the TCFD Summit 2022 on October 5th was offset by J-credit.
The TCFD Summit 2022 was held as a carbon-free event.
- Date: October 5th, 2022
- Offset: 3t-CO2

For further details please refer to the website below.

Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week

The Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week will take place from October 3 to 9, 2022, to promote ESG investment and sustainable finance while enhancing Tokyo’s presence in these fields, which contribute to building sustainable cities.
Among the programs to take place during the Finance Week is the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum ("Forum"), which is intended for domestic and international financial institutions and other entities and will address subjects pertaining to global trends and future perspectives of sustainable finance. The Forum features lectures by experts from both Japan and abroad, with business pitches by fintech companies that are thriving in the sustainable finance sector. The Financial Seminar for Everyone is a seminar designed for those who are interested in and/or who want to start investing. They can learn the basic knowledge of sustainable finance, investment and finance and improve their financial literacy.

Please refer to the website below for details.

Tokyo GX Week to Be Held

This fall, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will host Tokyo GX Week, comprised of the following conferences.

  1. Second Asia Green Growth Partnership Ministerial Meeting: September 26
  2. Fourth International Conference on Carbon Recycling: September 26
  3. Fifth Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting: September 26
  4. Second International Conference on Fuel Ammonia: September 28
  5. 11th LNG Producer-Consumer Conference: September 29
  6. Second Asia CCUS Network Forum: September 30
  7. Fourth TCFD Summit: October 5
  8. Ninth ICEF: October 5 and 6
  9. Fourth RD20 (Leaders' Session): October 6
  10. First Global Green Transformation Conference (GGX): October 7

Climate change is an issue that the whole world must urgently confront together. We must achieve worldwide carbon neutrality as soon as possible to achieve the targets laid out in the Paris Agreement.
However, the economic and geographical circumstances of each country are different, and in order to promote effective emissions mitigation, it is essential to accelerate the transitions of each country based on their diverse circumstances, by utilizing a wide range of technologies and energy sources, rather than adopting a uniform approach. In addition to transitioning through various pathways, we must create innovations that are not simple extensions of conventional technologies and engage with developing countries to realize decarbonization.
In this regard, we will hold the "Tokyo GX Week" inviting ministers and world leaders in various fields, with the aim of realizing GX (Green Transformation), which will shift the economic, social, and industrial structure that have depended on fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution, to structures driven by clean energy, and drive economic growth and development through emissions mitigation.

For further details please refer to the website below.

CO2 Offset by J-Credit

As an endeavor of decarbonization, CO2 emitted during the TCFD Summit 2021 on October 5th was offset by J-credit.
The TCFD Summit 2021 was held as a carbon-free event.
 - Date: October 5th, 2021
 - Offset: 1t-CO2

For further details please refer to the website below.

Green/Social Bond Conference
"How can Japanese capital markets contribute to
a sustainable society?" (12 November 2021)

The 5th annual sustainable finance conference from the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) will focus on the role of climate transition bonds, social bonds, and sustainability-linked bonds in encouraging ESG themed bond market.
Although we have seen considerable progress in the green bond market in Japan with an increasing number of issues from the private sector, as yet there has been less issuance of the newer products, transition bonds, social bonds and sustainability-linked bonds.
This event will look at the benefits of issuing these bonds, introducing case studies from global and Japanese markets, and consider the conditions needed to encourage growth in the market, including recent initiatives from the Japanese government.

Event Name: Green/Social Bond Conference "How can Japanese capital markets contribute to a sustainable society?"
Date & time: 12 November 2021, 16:00-18:10 JST / 08:00-10:10 CET
Format: Online
Host: Japan Securities Dealers Association(JSDA), International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
Admission: This virtual event is free of charge.
Program & How to Register: Please see the official conference website through the link.

Advertisement on the Nikkei

An advertisement on the Nikkei is available.

開示の質と量 充実

Please refer here.

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Advertisement on the Financial Times

Advertisement on the Financial Times

An advertisement on the Financial Times (Nov. 1 2021) is available.
Please refer here.

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Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week

The Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week will be organized in October 2021 by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) with the aim of promoting ESG investment and sustainable finance that contribute to development of sustainable cities and enhancing the TMG’s presence in these areas.

During the week, the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum will be held, targeted at professionals working at financial institutions and relevant organizations in Japan and overseas. The Financial Seminar for Tokyo Residents will also be held, designed to improve financial literacy and raise awareness for sustainable finance among the general public.

Please refer to the website below for details.

CO2 Offset by J-Credit

As an endeavor of decarbonization, CO2 emitted during the TCFD Summit 2020 on October 9th was offset by J-credit.
The TCFD Summit 2020 was held as a carbon-free event.

- Date: October 9th, 2020
- Offset: 1t-CO2

For further details please refer to the website below.

Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week

The Tokyo Sustainable Finance Week will be organized in February 2021 by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) with the aim of promoting ESG investment and sustainable finance that contribute to development of sustainable cities and enhancing the TMG’s presence in these areas.

During the week, the Tokyo Sustainable Finance Forum will be held, targeted at professionals working at financial institutions and relevant organizations in Japan and overseas. The Financial Seminar for Tokyo Residents will also be held, designed to improve financial literacy and raise awareness for sustainable finance among the general public.

Please refer to the website below for details.

Advertisement on the Financial Times (Nov. 11 2020)

An advertisement on the Financial Times (Nov. 11 2020) is available.
Please refer here.

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Advertisement on the Nikkei

An advertisement on the Nikkei is available.


Please refer here.

  • Redistribution prohibited.

GHG Offset by J-Credit

As an endeavor of decarbonization, GHG emitted during the TCFD Summit 2020 on October 9th is going to be offset by J-credit.
The TCFD Summit 2020 will be a carbon-free event.

"Climate Innovation Finance Strategy 2020" Compiled

On September 11 (Fri.), 2020, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) held the fifth meeting of the Study Group on Environmental Innovation Finance (chaired by Dr. Ito Kunio, Professor, Ph.D., Graduate School of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi University), and compiled the "Climate Innovation Finance Strategy 2020," an interim report to convey Japan’s approaches to climate innovation finance to the rest of the world. Toward achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the goals set in the Paris Agreement, METI, through the strategy, will convey Japan’s message to the rest of the world, stating the importance of simultaneously advancing finance to each of three types of efforts for: [i] "transition" to steadily advance low carbonization and decarbonization, [ii] "green" to achieve decarbonization, e.g., renewable energy and [iii] "innovation"

For further details, please refer here.

Conference on Developments in Bond Markets
Contributing to Sustainability under COVID-19 -Globally and in Japan- on 13 November, 2020

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) will together hold their fourth annual conference on green and social bonds, this time in a hybrid format, on 13 November 2020. The event will focus on recent developments in bond markets contributing to sustainable development globally and in Japan, as well as how the pandemic has changed the market.

Date: 13 November 2020
Time: 16:00-17:40 Japan Standard Time / 08.00-09.40 Central European Time (Tentative)
Online Platform: Zoom
Venue: 26F of the Taiyo Life Insurance Nihombashi Bldg. (2-11-2, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo)
*Simultaneous interpretation between English and Japanese will be provided
Admission: Free of charge and open to all
Registration: Registration in advance is essential through hthe ICMA website.

About Tokyo "Beyond-Zero" Week

Tokyo "Beyond-Zero" Week features six leading international conferences organized and hosted by Japan. Each conference offers a forum for high-level discussions about the key innovations required to build a global roadmap to carbon neutrality and find pathways to go "beyond zero"–namely reducing the levels of CO2 emissions already in the atmosphere.

Led by Kajiyama Hiroshi, Japan’s Minister of Economy Trade & Industry (METI), participants are set to include ministerial-level government representatives from the United States, Europe, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), leaders from national research institutes, as well as leading innovators from academia and industry.

Between October 7th and 14th 2020, Japan will host a series of wide-ranging discussions with these distinguished participants aimed at making an impactful contribution to addressing the global challenge of climate change.

For more information of the Tokyo "Beyond-Zero" Week, Please click here.

RI Digital: Japan 2020 Designing the sustainable ‘new normal’

RI Digital

Responsible Investor will launch a new online conference, RI Digital: Japan 2020 where we discuss the key themes which urgently require reconsideration to envision the recovery and to shape a sustainable new normal.
The conference will cover a wide range of responsible and sustainable finance from the state of play in ESG to practical questions on stewardship, diversity, corporate resilience, and decarbonization.
Investment professionals from in and out of Japan will explore potential opportunities for the next decade. Join online and participate in the discussion by raising questions.

RI Digital: Japan 2020 - Designing the sustainable ‘new normal’
Dates: Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th October, 2020
Conference agenda and other information:
Free to participate
Registration is required via the conference website above.

TCFD Guidance 2.0 published -Toward Further Disclosure of Climate-related Financial Information-

As ESG investments grow, a corporate disclosure framework that enables investors to appropriately assess a company's climate-related risks and opportunities is becoming increasingly important.
The TCFD Consortium, which is a private sector-led initiative, took over the work of revising the "Guidance on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD Guidance)" formulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in December 2018, and announced its revised release as the "TCFD Guidance 2.0" on July 31st.

Related Materials
Overview of TCFD Guidance 2.0
For more information of the background and overview of TCFD Guidance 2.0, click hear.

Notice of Holding a Deep Dive Workshop

On Friday, June 19th, 2020 at 10:30 (Manila Time), organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI), the Deep Dive Workshop at Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) will introduce innovative technologies (e.g., IoT/AI, CCS/CCUS, Hydrogen) and highlight the importance of policy, finance and multinational initiatives such as the Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA) and the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for deployment of such technologies. For further information, please refer here. We hope you will join us.

Date Friday, June 19th, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. (Manila Time)
Session Deep Dive Workshop "Collaborative Initiatives on Energy System Transition with Innovative Technologies, Policies and Financing"
Organizer The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI)
Reference Held Online
Please register here for your participation.

Climate Change Starter's Guide -Key Impacts and Considerations for the Life Insurance Industry-

The Life Insurance Association of Japan published its first "Climate Change Starter’s Guide" (hereafter the "Climate Guide") that promotes and supports climate change initiatives by member life insurers.

The Climate Guide covers a wider range of topics, including:
-the impact of climate change affecting business sectors,
-the background and current situation on political movements concerning the environment,
-the summary of the TCFD recommendations and examples of TCFD-type disclosures and
-the essential points for life insurers working on climate initiatives.

This guide is intended to serve as a starting point for addressing climate change and be used not only by the life insurers in Japan but also various types of stakeholders around the world.

Please take a look at the Climate Guide to further expand your climate horizon and proactively consider possible actions for confronting climate change issues that contribute to the sustainable development of society for future posterity.

Climate Change Starter’s Guide (Link to Life Insurance Association of Japan Website)

SASB/CDSB: "TCFD Implementation Guide" Seminar

SASB/CDSB: "TCFD Implementation Guide" Seminar In May this year, the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) published a "TCFD Implementation Guide" to support TCFD-based information disclosure. JPX is holding a seminar to introduce and explain the Japanese translation of this guide, which has now been created for the benefit of Japanese listed companies.

Date: October 10, 2019 (Thurs) 14:00-16:20 (Registration from 13:30)
Venue: The Tokyo Shoken Building (8th floor hall) 1-5-8 Nihombashi Kayabacho, Chuo-ku
Hosts: SASB, CDSB, Japan Exchange Group

Please see the attached PDF for more details and how to register.

TCFD Implementation Guide Seminar

Conference on Developments in
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Markets –Japan and Asia on 9 October 2019

In response to the globally heightened interest in ESG investment, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has been hosting the Green Bond Principles (GBP) since 2014, as well as its successors the Social Bond Principles (SBP) and Sustainability Bond Guidelines (SBG). As part of its work to promote these Principles and Guidelines, the ICMA has hosted international conferences mainly in Europe and Asia.
This time, ICMA and the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) will hold their 3rd joint conference on Developments in Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Markets in Tokyo on 9 October 2019 following the remarkable scale and seniority of attendance at the 2018 and 2017 events and the Japanese market's strong growth.
The event will bring important updates and debates on the rapid evolution of the market and official guidance internationally. The Tokyo conference will once again bring together issuers, underwriters, investors, policymakers, market infrastructure and service providers who are active in the Asian green and social bond markets.

Date and Time: 9 October 2019, 9:30 to 17:25 (scheduled)
Venue: Hotel New Otani Tokyo, (4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8578, Japan)
Program: See view the latest agenda through the official conference website (link below)
*Simultaneous interpretation between English and Japanese will be provided
*Lunch will be available
Admission: Free of charge and open to all
Registration: Registration in advance is essential through the ICMA website.

Carbon Offset at the TCFD Summit 2019 by Using J-credit

As the momentum for information disclosures related to climate change is increasing worldwide, at the world's first "TCFD Summit 2019"held in Japan in October 2019, its GHG was offset by using J-credit.

- Date: October 8th, 2019
- Offset: 3t-CO2